adivaha® XML API Resorts Search Result Shortcode

Over 150,000+ Resorts properties that match traveler search queries in popular locations, serving your customers with the rates and availabilities they're looking for. Our partner-focused approach is long-term; supporting you through integration, optimization and business growth. Build a Resorts booking experience the way you want. Deliver quality Resorts with rich content and competitive rates.




  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin.
  2. Click Pages, and then click Add New.
  3. Enter the title of the page.
  4. Paste the above shortcode in the content area.
  5. Click Publish
  6. Click adivaha® in the dashboard menu
  7. Click adivaha® Resorts Setting -> Page Settings -> Resorts Search Results Page. Select the newly created page with above shortcode
  8. Click Save Settings button